91 photos
40 min 12 sec of video
Added 03/22/2013
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Porter | 35 | 5'10" | 180# | 7.0" | Brown Hair | Blue Eyes | Straight
Well, I just gotta say that this is one of very few shoots in the past nine years where the model intimidated the hell outta me. I do not know whether is was Porters ruggedly handsome gorgeous looks and build or his noncommittal nature in terms of why he was shooting the video, but something in the room that night made me a little trepidatious around Porter.
In the end, that was probably a good thing because whether or not Porter wanted to own up to some sort of curiosity when it came to male:male sexual interaction, his physical responses to my touch could not lie, and as a result, Porter was on the edge of orgasm the entire time he was on the ClubAmateurUSA massage table. :)
So, there was very little that I could do in between Porter saying, "I am close," or hand wave to stave off orgasm.
Interestingly, within a week, I received an email from Porter wondering if he could make another video. Something tells me that his little spin on the table is opening up a whole new side of his sexuality. He did not quite kiss a boy, but Porter definitely liked it. ;-)
Casey Black
, ClubAmateurUSA